Electro-harmonix 2880 Super Multi-track Looper Foot Controller Review
If you own the Electro-Harmonix 2880 Super Mult-Track Looper, consider this a must-have. It'll save you a lot of stress and woe to own this. Works great with the looper. No complaints!
Read the full review. Electro-harmonix 2880 Super Multi-track Looper Foot Controller
Electro-harmonix 2880 Super Multi-track Looper Foot Controller Price
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Electro-harmonix 2880 Super Multi-track Looper Foot Controller Overview
Stay in the loop! The 2880 offers the familiar controls of a multi-track digital recorder while adding continuous stereo and mono looping with track control. Pitch shift, reverse and manipulate on four tracks. Bounce recorded tracks to stereo mixdown tracks, freeing the original four for reuse. Punch in/out on each track allows the musician to create the perfect loop. The 2880's non-compressed audio utilizes a 44.1 k sampling rate, with 24-bit converters to deliver 16-bit CD audio quality. Store 240 seconds for each of the six tracks when using the provided 128-megabyte card (expandable to 2 gigabytes). External in/out midi clocking with automatic format conversion to Mac or PC via USB. Complex multi-track loops may be created and overlaid in a performance situation with ease. With more tracks, more control and more power, the 2880 takes you to "Looping Heaven."
Electro-harmonix 2880 Super Multi-track Looper Foot Controller Feature
- Type: Foot Pedal
- Weight (lbs): 4.05
- Dim: 9.5 (W) x 9.75 (H) x 3.25 (D) inches
- Year: 2006
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Electro-harmonix 2880 Super Multi-track Looper Foot Controller Detail
- Product Dimensions: 9.5 x 3.2 x 9.8 inches ; 2.2 pounds
- Shipping Weight: 6 pounds
- Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S.
- ASIN: B000T4V53S
- Item model number: 2880 Foot Controller